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XI Jinping inspected Linuo Group

On 9th May 2008, Mr Xi Jinping, then Vice President of the PRC, Member of the Political Bureau of the Standing Committee of CPC Central Committee and Secretary at the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee inspected Linuo Group. Mr Xi Jinping inspected our production line for solar power heating systems at Linuo Paradigma, hled conversations with Linuo employees and encouraged Linuo Paradigma to seize the opportunity and make contributions to the development of eco-energy.

  • LI Keqiang

    LI Keqiang

    LI Keqiang, premier of the State Council of PRC, inspected Linuo Group.

  • ZHANG Dejiang

    ZHANG Dejiang

    ZHANG Dejiang, chairman of Standing Committee of National People's Congress, bestowed on Daniel Baruch, foreign expert at Linuo Paradigma National Friendship Award of PRC.

  • YU Zhengsheng

    YU Zhengsheng

    YU Zhengsheng, chairman of National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, had a friendly discussion with Linuo employees.

  • ZHANG Gaoli

    ZHANG Gaoli

    ZHANG Gaoli, vice-premier of China's State Council, inspected the workshops of Linuo Group.

  • WU Bangguo

    WU Bangguo

    WU Bangguo, former Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, inspected Linuo Group.

  • LI Yuanchao

    LI Yuanchao

    LI Yuanchao, vice president of PRC, inspected Linuo Group.

  • LI Jianguo

    LI Jianguo

    LI Jianguo, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress, inspected Linuo Group.

  • WANG Zhaoguo

    WANG Zhaoguo

    WANG Zhaoguo, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress, inspected Linuo Group.

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